Friday, July 17, 2009

Ancient Dildo Used During Knapp?

Were ancient humans crafting dildos from stone? Apparently the answer is yes.

From the BBC News website:

The siltstone phallus is highly polished. It is 19.2cm tall and has a width of 2.8cm. It was reassembled from 14 fragments found in the Hohle Fels Cave. The close-ups of opposite sides show etched rings around the head, and markings that may have come from knapping flint. (Image: J. Liptak)

This 28,000 year old stone tool was, according to the accompanying BBC article, possibly used as an actual sex-toy. Keep in mind that in Cobb County Georgia you still have to sell such items as "novelties." Seems the novelty would have worn off sometime in the past 28K years...

While this kind of thing may shock some readers, it just goes to show that humans propensity for using technology to improve sex goes way back beyond the VCR. (There is a common theme of porn driving technology. It has been said that the development and spread of the VCR was driven by porn dollars. Likewise the CD-ROM's wide use in PCs has been attributed to the porn industry. And of course DVDs... And now evidence that this tie goes back so far makes me suspect that even back in the stone age the techies were nerds and that they wanted to use their nerd powers for sexual gratification.)

Articles about sex driving tech:
USA Today

The Guardian

The Age
Were ancient techies nerds? Did these stone "tools" get the job done? Did the crafters of this tool also sell pipes, rolling paper and patchouli incense? Finds like these remind us that our ancient ancestors were as interested in sex as we are today.

"But what about porn," you may ask. "Did ancient humans enjoy porn?"

Dr. Dale Guthrie of the University of Alaska Fairbanks says that the majority of known cave art depicting humans shows the female form. According to Dr. Guthrie, "...these weren't just any women, they were Pleistocene Pamela Andersons adorned with ludicrously huge breasts and hips. The walls were also decorated with graphic depictions of genitalia."

And what about sculpture? Who can forget the 30,000 year old Venus of Willendorf? This beauty shows that even "back in the day" folks unashamedly appreciated a BBW. Her hair's a bit different than today's stylings, but you can find images to match the rest of her all over the Internet.

Some sociologist might argue that these are merely symbolic - but the fact is that we have an evolved response to become sexually aroused by visual stimulation. (Or at least males do...)

Call me old fashioned but I am glad to see that I'm not the only one spending hours a day crafting dildos out of stone. ;)